Totally sports Insurance are a leading provider of sports related personal accident insurance. This is the third year they have supported the race and they are very proud to already sponsor Peaty himself. He is actually a friend of the company which is why he got involved.
This year they are putting their hands even deeper in their pockets than last year. They will be sponsoring the Jolley Gap jump at the top of the track. Rob Jolley, who marshals this point every year, takes great pride in whipping up the crowds excitement and getting them involved; there are always lots watching. He will be judging which racer manages to elicit the biggest cheer from the crowd this year. Totally sports Insurance will then award £200 to that racer and this year its to the best lad AND lass!
We can thank them enough for their support and look forward to seeing them at the race itself. They will have a stand in the finish arena where you will be able to chat about their products and get yourself covered!