John Jones heads up the coaching and has linked up with us to sponsor the event this year and are giving away a full days coaching to the unfortunate person who we deem to have had the worst crash!
Author: SteelCityDH
Legends Fancy Dress
Want to Win a Cotic BFe Frame?? Get your thinking caps on! The best dressed this year will be getting a frame again.
This year On-One are coming on board as sponsors for the first time, which is great because they’re just about as local as you can get. They’ve been around Sheffield for years and have got some great new bikes so it makes perfect sense to have their support.
This year we are very pleased to be supported by the biggest mountain bike website in the world; Pinkbike. They believe in the importance of grassroots racing, keeping the sport grounded and progressing from the bottom up.
Cliff Bar
Clif Bar & Company is a leading maker of wholesome and nutritious foods and drinks for people on-the-go, including CLIF® Bar energy bar. Focused on sports nutrition and healthy snacks, the employee and family-owned company is committed to sustaining its business, brands, people, community and the planet. Cliff Bar have been a long time sponsor of…
Lizard Skins
This year Lizard Skins have come on board to sponsor the race. We all know they produce a wide range of biking products and some of the best quality grips around; well this year they are doing something a bit special.
Royal Racing
Royal are long time supporters of the race and have been giving their garms away to racers since the first year. They produce high quality mountain bike gear for all weathers. This year they are giving us a range of goods to give away to our hard working volunteer marshals and also to line the…
Shorelines have supported the Steel City race since the beginning and are the UK importers for Knolly Bikes, Chromag and North Shore Billet.
Mini – Sytner Sheffield
Sytner Sheffield are your local MINI Specialists and proud to be sponsoring Peaty’s Steel City DH for the first time! As well as showing off a MINI Countryman fitted with bike rack during the day, they are also giving a MINI Countryman for a weekend to the rider with the fastest time!
The return of Mrs Peat
We’re really happy and super stoked that Adele Croxton-Peat, Mrs Peaty, is coming out of racing retirement for this years race. It underlines the community and family nature of the event that she can pedal over from home and show her boys her skills on a race track.
Troubled By the Gap? Be troubled no more!
A Line Mountain Bike Coaching are putting on a Gap specific coaching session this friday. The point of the session is to try to help those riders who can already jump tackle the gap jump if you’ve not had the confidence before.
Call to Arms: Well Barrows. Sunday 27th April
Ride Sheffield are organising a bit of track love this weekend and need your help. The main job of the day is to move around a load of surfacing material. This needs Wheel Barrows and strong backs. If you have both, please meet up at the top Greno Car Park at 10:30 or down the…
Spitfire Distribution
Spitfire UK Distribution specialises in importing the most exclusive French made cycling brands over to the UK.
One Lass short of a half century
UPDATE: Thank you ladies, we’ve now got 52 of you entered! A record!! Despite selling out in record time again this year (the majority of places selling out in just 9 minutes) we still have 1 place left for a lass to enter. We’ve got space left in either category, Womens or Open Womens. Ladies…
Another Record Sell out
You’ve outdone yourselves yet again. The majority of this years race had sold out within just two hours!